Planning 4 Success Limited

Helping Companies to deliver

Our Mission

To provide innovative solutions to modern day challenges for companies operating in the Energy Sector.

Supporting the development of new Oil and Gas fields that require the development and deployment of a subsea production system, utilising the latest technologies available in the field.

Providing ongoing system support for the operation of subsea production control systems, including fault diagnosis and operability issues. Also ensuring that deployed systems are managed for hardware and software obsolescence issues.

Providing mentorship for the development of the next generation of subsea production system engineers, to help mitigate the potential skills shortage that energy companies may face in the future.

Our Goals and Values

Engineering Support

We provide support to energy companies through the complete lifecycle of a project, supporting the engineering phases of projects from the initial concept and define stages. Whilst providing engineering and project management support through the execution, commissioning and operation stages of the project.

We are able to carry out independent assessment and verification of subsea control system designs ensuring both fit for purpose and that the proposed execution schedule is achievable ensuring the success of the project.


Technology is constantly changing, which has the potential to impact the design and operation of subsea production systems. It is vitally important that the design concepts for new developments apply the latest technologies that are available in the market, to future proof the system operability whilst meeting the design life requirements.


The manufacturing of the components that are integrated into a subsea production control system need to have a detailed quality plan. This plan will detail the inspection and testing requirements ensuring that the equipment is assembled and tested to agreed standards and requirements, thus delivering performance and availability of the system.

Developing Engineers of the Future

Mentoring young talent is vital to the success of the energy industry going forward and we have provided mentoring on subsea controls to both young graduate engineers and experienced engineers who are transferring to the energy sector helping them develop their knowledge and skill sets.

This has proven to be successful for operators in ensuring that they don't experience skills shortages in the future in vital engineering areas.


Safety is a primary consideration when looking at subsea production systems and the associated architectures. It is a foundation that subsea control systems design shall be assessed against, ensuring that company assets are protected.

Paramount is safety for everyone working on any facility.


Protection of the environment is critical to ensure that we protect the ecosystems that everyone relies on to survive. Systems should be designed to ensure that anything released into the environment has minimal impact on the local ecosystem, thereby protecting the planet and biodiversity.

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us on to discuss any requirements or support that we maybe able to provide your organisation in the future.

VAT Registration Number 477 6803 45


Created with images by • Lukasz Z - HDR of Offshore Jack Up Rig in The Middle of The Sea at Sunset Time • Grispb - Gas production equipment. Equipment for subsea gas production. Yellow car for gas production. Equipment for methane extraction. Submarine machine for mining hydrocarbons. Mining propan or metan • Pungu x - Full-stack developer working on cloud integration, coding in the background, modern software development process • Samana - Undersea Fiber Optic Cross-Section: High-Tech Connectivity • Matvejs - Cutting edge subsea control module technology for enhanced underwater operations • Summit Art Creations - Oil and gas industry. Woman in red hard hat at an oil rig. • nuiiko - An engineer in the pipeline control room overseeing subsea pipeline transportation systems, ensuring the safe and efficient transport of refined products from the offshore platform to onshore faciliti • Natalia - Oil and gas engineer working on subsea engineering solutions for deepwater drilling operations, oil and gas engineer, subsea technology

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